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Best match Sort Ads using the default app logic. Disgregards other changes.
Newest first Retrieve results ordered from the most recent first
Oldest first Retrieve results ordered from the oldest
Highest price Get results ordered by highest price
Lowest price Get results ordered by lowest price first
Negotiable option Retrieve results that allow for price negotiations
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Video and Movie Genres
The list below can be used to search for videos and movies from independent uploaders based on all available genres. Select a given genre to search videos matching that specific genre.

Popular Video Jockeys
Search and view video results matching a specific video jockey. Below is a list of all available video jockeys that have worked on one or more videos as indicated by the uploaders.

Video Release Years
Search by release year. Select a year from the calendar list down below to search for videos / movies that were released in that same specific year.

Other Video Library features
You may access other video library features / options through this interface. Please observe the options below and proceed appropriately.


Moderators' Initiative
Review, flag and approve Ads

The moderators initiative is a program offered through our platform designed to help our users (make easy cash from the site and maximize on cash opportunity) by helping us with some of the site's house-keeping duties. Basically as our site's moderator, you will earn points that are convertible into actual currency of your choice and can then be withdrawn upon reaching a certain threshold or the minimum amount of money withdrawable.

In simple words, there's one major task that will be required of you as a site / marketplace moderator and that is flagging advertisements that are pending review or publishment. Before any Advertisement can go live, it will need to be reviewed and flagged as appropriate by any of our site moderators.

Updated - Saturday, 30 April 2022

How it works
Detailed info about our moderators program

Joining and vetting
Evidently, joining our moderators program is as easy as pressing the "Join now" button on this page as this will undoubtedly get your moderators application started in no time. Please note that you'll definitely need to be logged-in before anything can be processed. You'll then be taken to our moderators application page that has a self-intuitive user-interface where you can submit all the relevant (supporting) documents necessary for processing your application. After successfully submitting your application, one of our admin personnel will review your application and aim to get back to you via our company email where all feedback with be sent from.

Please endevour to submit all relevant supporting documents as requested on the moderators application page as this will surely help our admin team assess and process your application to become one of our sites' moderators faster. For the list of required documents and supporting documents, please refer to our moderators application page that can be found here.

Other info
We've put together a few screenshots and extra detail of how to navigate the application in case you encounter any given difficulty. Please consider reading through this panes content before contacting us about your application.

Please access the link below to start your application process and also make use of the requested document guidline/list to speed up the process. Thank you

Cash on the side
Make extra cash on the side moderating our content

Gettin' paid
So, you've earned yourself enough points that are above the specified threshold. How do you get paid.?

Once you've earned points that satisfy the given / specified threshold, our system will automatically starting sending personalised emails about your moderators account and the credits available so that you may keep tabs on your account's progress. Using our easy-to-use moderators profile interface, you will be able to see how much credit you've earned and withdraw any available credits/funds given that it is above the specified threshold.

To successfully withdraw credits/funds from your moderators account, you must be able to provide your paypal account email-address and if you don't have one, please head over to the paypal offical website and sign-up for a new account. Please note that you won't be able to proceed without a paypal account as it is the only the payment method currently available for this program.